Will Coquillette

Hey, this is Will! I haven't had a chance to write down my ulcerative colitis story yet, but stay tuned!

Short version for now:

  • Had UC for like 13-14 years
  • It was diagnosed as ulcerative proctitis, meaning the very end of the digestive tract
  • I was taking 1000mg Mesalamine suppositories as needed during flares that whole time
  • Obtaining the medication was tedious because I had to use online Canadian pharmacies to avoid a 600% markup from U.S. pharmacies
  • In June 2023, I had an extremely bad flare and was diagnosed with ulcerative pancolitis which I think is just another way of saying the whole freaking colon
  • That flare put me in the hospital twice - 5 days the first time and 9 days the second time only a couple weeks later
  • Remicade seemed to get me back on me feet, so I was discharged
  • Remicade stopped being effective, so I started RinVoq in May 2023.
  • After a colonoscopy in December 2023, I was told my colon was severely damaged and likely wouldn't heal. A total colectomy was recommended.
  • In June 2024, I had a total colectomy with end ileostomy. The rectum is still in place so I can decide if I want to get a jpouch (two more surgeries) or make the end ileostomy permanent (one more surgery)