What Is This?
The idea for IBD Guide came about in June 2024 when a longtime sufferer of ulcerative colitis had a total colectomy and was overwhelmed with the information he had to learn.
What are the differences between all the different surgeries?
What are the pros/cons to each surgery?
What supplies do I need after each kind of surgery?
Why are there so many options?!
Whether you're new to IBD and want to learn about your disease or you want to learn about the various drug treatments, surgeries, therapies, or diets available to you, the aim here is to provide a comprehensive one stop shop with links to all of the information you need.
Check out the online communities on the home page to get involved!
Who Made This Website?
A dude living in Kansas City, Missouri, USA made this website two days after his total colectomy with end ileostomy in response to a failing colon from ulcerative colitis.
His surgery was on a Wednesday, and he woke up Friday pretty overwhelmed at the breadth of knowledge one must acquire to simply live their life with IBD. After his surgery, he was inundated with pamphlets, brochures, supplies, training, timelines and an ever-growing list of things to do and to not do.
So he made this website to give other people a place to start, a sort of Front Page of the IBD Internet. The idea is to keep the links on this site updated to reflect the latest information necessary for people with IBD to function without losing their minds.
To speed things up, he used FastGPT (opens in a new tab) from Kagi (opens in a new tab) to generate a lot of the content. Wait - I know what you're thinking, it's just a bunch of AI crap? No. Well, yes, but not really. Kagi indexes the web like Google. Except Kagi doesn't do the whole ads thing. They profit off your subscription fee - not your data. And when you use FastGPT to ask a question, in the background there are large language models (LLMs) (opens in a new tab) processing the web search results of your question and returning information directly interpreted from the index.
Yes, I wrote this in the third person (hi!).