🩵 Contribute


There are two ways to help - contribute content to the site or add your personal story.

Whatever you want to add (or fix), you can do it from the GitHub page (opens in a new tab). This entire website is created from the code in that link. But don't worry - you don't have to be a coder!

If you're not a coder, click here (opens in a new tab) to create a new issue. Just put in a title and description of what needs to be done, and we'll get an email so we can make the change. Feel free to jot down your personal story or just make a note of what you want to add/remove/modify.

Submitting an issue requires creating a GitHub account. I can't change that, unfortunately. But I'm working on creating a feedback form so you can submit stuff directly without going through GitHub!

If you're an advanced user of GitHub, then you can submit a pull request with the change to the site. This allows you to directly change the site code and submit your change for approval. This is the preferred method for contributing because it means we don't have to code the change for you! 😋

Please report dead links via GitHub issues!